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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer

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Splitting series

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Sometimes a single series of DICOM images obtained from a given modality contains multiple volumes. This is where the split series feature comes in handy.

It detects all the volumes contained in one series (e.g. arterial/venous post-contrast, PD/T2, DWI or cardiac CT multi-phase) and opens them in separate panels.

This makes simultaneous display and synchronization of images between such series possible.


Open a multi-sequence series and click the arrow next to the split screen icon on the toolbar in the main window, then click  Split series  or press  Ctrl + F5 .


Image series containing three DWI sequences with different b-values.

Image series containing three DWI sequences with different b-values.


Each of the volumes from the original series will be opened in a separate panel.


A single DWI sequence in each panel.

A single DWI sequence in each panel.


If the split series feature is used on a series containing non-volumetric images (CR, DX, MG, US, XA, etc.), each of the images of the series will be opened in a separate panel (up to 20 panels at the same time).

