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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer

Navigation: Advanced Topics > Multiple series viewing > Synchronization

Auto synchronization

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Series consisting of images that have been acquired in the same plane (or in similar planes, with the dihedral angle up to 5 degrees), within the same study (e.g. Computed Tomography series before and after administration of the contrast medium) are automatically synchronized by default (slice location, zoom level).




The toolbar button shows RadiAnt_DICOM_Viewer_Synchronization_Button_Automatic when the automatic synchronization mode is enabled.

You can disable the synchronization by pressing this button or by using the  F5  shortcut key.


By default only slice position and zoom & pan settings are synchronized.

To enable the synchronization of window settings click  Synchronize window settings .




Note that after the synchronization is enabled you have to change a setting to apply it to other series. E.g. you have to scroll series in one panel to synchronize the position of slices in other panels.