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Color Lookup Tables

Jun 3, 2011 09:05 AM
by Tommy
Are you planning to add support to color lookup tables?

other viewers like Sante Viewer and K-PACS have it and is quite useful in nuclear medicine studies (scintigraphy and PET) and MRI as well (I think about watching color maps of breast studies or body DWI)
Jun 5, 2011 08:03 AM
by RadiAnt
There are some things more important but yes, we plan to add this feature, too.
Dec 20, 2011 10:18 PM
by Tommy
after watching the PET-CT fusion preview I wonder if you have implemented support for color lookup tables
Dec 20, 2011 10:24 PM
by RadiAnt
That's right. PET-CT fusion couldn't be done without color lookup tables. However, right now they're only used to draw overlayed semitransparent images. Later we'll add CLUT selection in "normal" images.
Nov 16, 2012 09:16 PM
by Tommy
feature added in beta 1.3.9

- Change color scale in fusion images (click color bar)
- Change fused image opacity (left mouse button down and drag over color bar)

well done, as usual!!!
Oct 27, 2013 05:23 AM
by Tommy
hi, is it possible to use color lookup tables even on non-fused images?
actually you can apply them only in fusion
it would be nice to have them available as an alternative to gray-scale in normal images
Oct 27, 2013 04:10 PM
by RadiAnt
I'm afraid there is no other way than fusion to apply CLUT... This feature will be enhanced most probably next year. Also, now you can only use a linear table, we will add other types (logarithmic, etc.)
Oct 9, 2015 08:45 AM
by Tommy
I call this "fixed". Now multiple color schemes have been added.
Jan 23, 2018 01:16 AM
by Erika
It's 2018, can color lookup tables be used on non-fused images?
Jan 24, 2018 03:05 PM
by Tommy
what would be the purpose of it? nuclear medicine studies?
Jan 24, 2018 03:06 PM
by Tommy
I've just figured out that I personally made this request in 2011...
Jan 30, 2018 12:43 AM
by Erika G
Yes, Tommy you did ask that question in 2011 and I re-asked it in 2018 to confirm that it was made. The purpose would be research. I've opted to use MRIcroGL instead BUT might consider reverting to use RADIant if the functions I need are available
Feb 3, 2018 03:51 PM
by RadiAnt
We try to prioritize features based on the potential user base for certain functionality. Yet, the color look-up tables will be added for sure at some point.
Mar 12, 2022 08:08 PM
by frederik (paying customer)
It's 2022: color lookup tables can still not be be used on non-fused PET images like PET brain studies: why is this still not available?
Try looking at a brain PET in BW and you will understand the need
Mar 30, 2022 09:16 PM
by RadiAnt
Yes, we understand there are still many features desired by our users missing in RadiAnt. We're a small company with limited resources and things take time. Some of them longer than we would wish...
Jul 5, 2024 11:15 PM
by super.ru
I'm also after this feature, I moved to radiant from Falcon MX (Horos Mobile) specifically for graphics acceleration in Windows. CLUT is extremely important as a visual aid and the default window and the default colour palettes are not great especially for MRI with unusual T1/T2 and other scan types.

Being able to customise the spectrum/clut and its transparency would be a great feature. I can't believe this thread is over 13 years old at this point!
Jul 16, 2024 11:29 AM
by hb
Hi everyone

I have used the radiant for a long time . I wanto suggest some feature for developing.

Radiant can not run on two medical monitor synchronizationally. We have to dublicate window for this. and the measurements and referances lines are not seen in black-white monitor.

another suggestion is vertebral labellig. it is a vital tool for lumbosacral examinatio.

could you pls solve this problems

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