Jan 29, 2021 03:21 AM
by James
Hi there. We just purchased a paid (not subscription) Radiant license for our workstation. Several people (radiologists and radtechs included) are using this PC to read and transfer images. However, the license seem to only activate the license in 1 user. Other users still show as Evaluation Copy and require another license
Is it required for us to purchase additional licenses, even though it's on the same PC? We can't use the application with 2 users simultaneously anyway, so what's the point of requiring separate licenses?
Will there be any problem if we input the exact same license key to the other user's application?
Thank you
Jan 29, 2021 11:08 AM

The activation code is stored in registry.
If you activate the license as a user, the code goes to HKCU/Software/Medixant/
If an admin account is used to activate RadiAnt, the code goes to HKLM/Software/Medixant/. Now, if all users can read from this key (HKLM/Software/Medixant/), there should be no need to activate a license for all these users on the PC.
Please make sure that HKLM/Software/Medixant/ is readable by all users and that it actually contains the activation code.
Jan 29, 2021 12:48 PM
by James
Ok, so that's most probably the issue. I installed the program with an admin account. I will have to check on the registry then
Will it pose a problem if I input the exact same license code to the other user's program?
Jan 29, 2021 02:00 PM

No, if the serial number is used on the same PC under different user account, there should be no problem with activating it.
Jan 29, 2021 04:05 PM
by James
Thank you for the reply. I'll just do that then, rather than trying to modify the regedit's permission. Thank you.
Jan 10, 2022 07:31 AM
by Dr. ELM
I have local user account, which activated Radiant. But if I use the same serial number on the same PC with different domain user account, it couldn't activated.
My question is if I redeemed the license code, in which administrator account should I activate the code local or domain?
Btw, giving access to everyone of HKLM/Software/Medixant/ registry didn't work.
Jan 16, 2022 08:07 PM

If you copy all keys from HKCU/Software/Medixant (for the activated user) to HKLM/Software/Medixant, and make sure all domain users can read from these key, the activation will surely work for all users.
Mar 30, 2022 08:40 AM
by Kalin
In my case this keys is in HKLM/Software/Medixant and I also gave read permissions to all domain users to this key and still it does not work . Any suggestions ?
Mar 30, 2022 09:26 PM

Please check if there are any values in HKCU/Software/Medixant for your users. There can newer be trial activations there that get prioritized over HKLM/Software/Medixant values.
Nov 7, 2022 01:27 PM
by Victor Almeida
I purchased randiant and installed it on my notebook, but I have another notebook and I wanted to use it too. how do I do?
Nov 7, 2022 01:29 PM
by Victor Almeida
Tenho uma clínica e uso o radiant para laudar tomografias. Vou começar a trabalhar em outro serviço de tomografia, como faço para continuar a laudar as tomografias da minha clínica e ter acesso no radiant aos exames da outra clínica?
Jan 3, 2023 08:22 PM

You would need a plan for 2 seats to be able to install it on 2 different computers.
Aug 18, 2024 05:01 PM
by ahmad