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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer versions
Please refer to the table below to learn which features are available with each version of RadiAnt DICOM Viewer.

DICOM Viewer
DICOM Viewer
Basic Functionality
Desktop application for installation on PCs, laptops, and tablets running Windows systemsCheck mark
Autorun package for distribution on optical discs and flash memory as a DICOM CD/DVD/USB viewer running without installation on Windows systems (with the option to read password-protected, AES-256 encrypted DICOM data)Check mark1
Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 supportedCheck markCheck mark
Native ARM 64-bit version for the new generation of Windows on ARM devices (e.g., Surface Pro X)Check mark
No additional dependencies (.NET, Java, etc.)Check markCheck mark
Lightweight, compact applicationCheck mark2Check mark3
Excellent performance with 32- and 64-bit versions that are both optimized for multi-core processorsCheck markCheck mark
Asynchronous reading (you can browse images as they are being opened)Check markCheck mark
Advanced memory management system that facilitates the concurrent opening of studies that contain thousands of imagesCheck markCheck mark
Supported DICOM Formats
Files from different imaging modalities: CR, DX, MG, CT, MR, PT, US, XA, NM, SC, SRCheck markCheck mark
Monochromatic images (e.g., CR, CT, MR)Check markCheck mark
Color images (e.g., US, 3D reconstructions)Check markCheck mark
Static images (e.g., CR, MG, CT)Check markCheck mark
Dynamic sequences (e.g., XA, US)Check markCheck mark
Uncompressed images (little endian/big endian, implicit/explicit VR)Check markCheck mark
Compressed images (RLE, JPEG Lossy, JPEG Lossless, JPEG 2000, JPEG-LS)Check markCheck mark
Structured reportsCheck markCheck mark
Encapsulated PDF documentsCheck markCheck mark
MPEG4/MPEG2 DICOM videosCheck markCheck mark
Access DICOM Studies
Open DICOM studies from CD/DVD/Blu-ray discsCheck markCheck mark4
Open DICOM studies from local and network foldersCheck mark
Open DICOM studies from USB drivesCheck markCheck mark4
Open ZIP archives (unencrypted/encrypted) with DICOM filesCheck mark
Search and download DICOM studies (or selected series) from PACS locations (servers, workstations, modalities)Check mark
Accept and display studies pushed from other PACS locationsCheck mark
Local Archive
Store DICOM studies in a local databaseCheck mark
Import DICOM studies from CD/DVD/Blu-ray discsCheck mark
Import DICOM studies from local and network foldersCheck mark
Import DICOM studies from USB drivesCheck mark
Import ZIP archives (unencrypted/encrypted) with DICOM filesCheck mark
Import DICOM studies from PACS locationsCheck mark
Organize study collection using keywordsCheck mark
Multiple databases supportedCheck mark
Export list of studies to CSV fileCheck mark
Export Images
Export DICOM files to JPEG/BMP imagesCheck markCheck mark
Export DICOM files to MP4/WMV moviesCheck markCheck mark
Export DICOM files in original format5Check markCheck mark
Copy displayed image to Windows ClipboardCheck markCheck mark
Send studies to PACS locationsCheck mark6
Basic Tools
Perform fluid zoomingCheck markCheck mark
Perform fluid panningCheck markCheck mark
Adjust brightness and contrast (window level/window width)Check markCheck mark
Negative modeCheck markCheck mark
Apply window presets for computed tomography (lung, bone, etc.)Check markCheck mark
Apply precise window values (with SUVbw support for PET series)Check markCheck mark
Add your own window presetsCheck mark
Rotate (90 CW, 90 CCW, 180)Check markCheck mark
Flip (horizontal, vertical)Check markCheck mark
Apply image filters (sharpen, smooth, edge, emboss)Check markCheck mark
Display dynamic series/sequences (CINE) with option to adjust frames per secondCheck markCheck mark
Display DICOM overlays (annotations or graphic overlays included in the file)Check markCheck mark
Display DICOM file structure with searchable DICOM tags, their descriptions and valuesCheck markCheck mark
Measurement of segment lengthCheck markCheck mark
Manual calibration of length measurementsCheck markCheck mark
Support for calibrated regions in ultrasound imagesCheck markCheck mark
Measurement of mean, minimum and maximum parameter values (e.g. density in Hounsfield Units in computed tomography, SUVbw in PET) within circle/ellipse and its areaCheck markCheck mark
Measurement of area and perimeter of a closed polygonCheck markCheck mark
Measurement of open polygon lengthCheck markCheck mark
Measurement of angle valueCheck markCheck mark
Measurement of Cobb angle valueCheck markCheck mark
Measurement of deviation distanceCheck markCheck mark
Arrow tool for annotationsCheck markCheck mark
Pencil tool for freehand drawingCheck markCheck mark
Compare Series
Compare multiple series in the same or different windowsCheck markCheck mark
Automatic synchronization between series with images acquired in the same plane (e.g., computed tomography series before and after contrast media administration)7Check markCheck mark
Manual synchronization between series from different studies that have a similar patient orientationCheck markCheck mark
Cross-reference lines in series with different image planes (e.g., magnetic resonance study)7Check markCheck mark
3D cursor toolCheck markCheck mark
Split multi-sequence series into separate panelsCheck markCheck mark
Advanced Tools
2D MPR (orthogonal multiplanar reconstructions)Check markCheck mark
Fusion of series with different modalities (e.g., PET-CT) or with different protocols (e.g., MR T1/T2 – DWI)Check markCheck mark
Time-intensity curves (TIC, e.g., for breast MRI)Check markCheck mark
3D MPR (oblique multiplanar reconstruction) with MIP (maximum intensity projection), MinIP (minimum intensity projection) and Avg (average) modesCheck mark
3D VR (volume rendering)Check mark
3D snapshots for quick saving and restoring 3D VR viewsCheck mark
Creation of quick movies (simple rotations) and advanced 3D snapshot-based videos with volume-rendered objectsCheck mark
Export 3D models to STL filesCheck mark
GPU acceleration for 3D VR and 3D MPR/MIPCheck mark8
DSA mode (digital subtraction angiography) with auto and manual pixel-shift, split mask and magic maskCheck mark
A simple and intuitive interface with full-screen and distraction-free modesCheck markCheck mark
Multi-touch support for Windows 8/8.1/10/11 touch-enabled devicesCheck markCheck mark
Multilingual interface—more than 30 translations available9Check markCheck mark
Customizable keyboard shortcutsCheck markCheck mark
Integration with third-party systems via command-line arguments and the radiant:// URL protocolCheck mark
1 You should use your own software and hardware (e.g., a disc publisher) to burn the contents of the autorun package (with the license key file) along with the DICOM study files to the CD/DVD media (or record to USB Flash). RadiAnt DICOM Viewer cannot burn CD/DVDs by itself.
2 The installer size of RadiAnt DICOM Viewer is 7MB; the disk space occupied after installation is 10MB.
3 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer CD/DVD adds 11MB overhead to the CD/DVD (when both 32- and 64-bit versions are included).
4 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer CD/DVD can only run from the CD/DVD discs or USB Flash removable drives and display images stored on the media on which it runs. It cannot be started from your local hard drive. Furthermore, DICOM studies cannot be opened from locations other than removable media the viewer was recorded on.
5 It is not possible to export secondary images obtained using Multiplanar Reconstructions (MPR), 3D Volume Rendering, Fusion, or Time-intensity Curve (TIC) tools to DICOM files.
6 Available with the DCMTK add-on package installed.
7 The series have to belong to the same study.
8 Only available with the 64-bit version of RadiAnt DICOM Viewer. Supported NVIDIA graphics card required.
9 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer and RadiAnt DICOM Viewer CD/DVD are distributed with English and Polish language support. Other translations (Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Chinese, Chinese [Taiwan], Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch/Flemish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian) have been created by the community and are available for download from https://www.radiantviewer.com/translations/. Not all translations have been updated for the newest version of the viewer.