Oct 3, 2019 05:49 PM
by Henrik B.
Dear RadiAnt,
Just be reading a few threads in the forum, it is clear that you have a program that people use because they like it. It is also nice to see how fast you reply to peoples comments, that is a great quality - along with the program itself. I'm a fan!
- If I try to make a movie from the 'snapshot' function in 3D it fails in 4K UHD. All the frames gets rendered and the file appear in the sub-directory, but it's a 0 KB file. I don't have the need for such high res., but I tried it anyway as it is a very cool feature. I use Win7 (64), GTX970. Just want to mention.
- Also a small feature: Would it be possible to get a feature to adjust/turn off the interpolation? E.g. off, nearest neighbour, linear, bi-linear etc.? At least on/off? Being able to turn off interpolation and knowing the type of used interpolation is great for evaluation image quality from the modality.
Best regards
Henrik B.
Oct 3, 2019 08:34 PM

Dear Henrik,
Thank you for your kind words! Sometimes it can take a bit longer to get a reply here but we do what we can with our limited resources :-)
Anyway, thanks for pointing out that 4K does not work on Windows 7. It actually only works on Windows 10 (we use the MP4 codec provided by the system). A fresh RadiAnt RC build is available with the 4K option removed for anything older than Windows 10.
The interpolation used in RadiAnt is bi-linear. When you press Ctrl + 1 then interpolation is effectively disabled, as 1 DICOM pixel corresponds exactly to 1 screen pixel. In future versions we may add additional interpolation modes, however, no time-frame can be given.