Jan 28, 2015 03:36 AM
by HKC
Hi, first of all, thanks for the wonderful software that you've created.
I was trying to export the DICOM files from my institution's PACS server (we are using the old GE Centricity 2.1). Using a HTTP debugger I managed to download the DICOM file. However when I tried to open it in RadiAnt, it shows the patient's name, study type etc, but not the image.
I've uploaded the file to a file-sharing website - http@://***************/file.html
I hope this issue can be addressed.
Jan 28, 2015 09:36 AM

Thank you for supplying your problematic file.
I'm afraid, however, that we won't be able to make RadiAnt read this file.
Our tools say that there are some errors in this file that prevent it from being displayed.
The transfer syntax does not match the pixel data. We tried to manually decompress it using different methods, none of them were successful...
Can you open this file in any other DICOM software? (We couldn't).
Kind regards,
Jan 28, 2015 02:12 PM
by HKC
Hi, thanks for trying that out. I can't open with any other DICOM software either (not that I have many to try with). It could only be loaded from the Centricity Enterprise 2.1 PACS server.
Thanks anyway.
Jan 28, 2015 02:28 PM

It could be some proprietary encoding method used by the GE Centricity server. But can't you just download the studies from your server using PACS clients?
Feb 2, 2015 01:04 AM
by HKC
The web-based client is old and restricted, only possible to download still images in jpegs. Not possible to download videos like angiograms.
Mar 6, 2015 10:05 AM
by novop
Can you send me some images for testing if i can open this ?
For exemple you can use the transfer on
with a password on my mail : novop@free.fr
I am referent PACS GE Centricity at Lyon in France, but i have the 3.2 version
May be some software can read your images ?
May 14, 2023 09:43 PM
by JustG
Hello - We have this problem with ALL centricity PACS images. Centricity is using a proprietary compression protocol called TruRez as well as using non-standard dicom fields such as 7FD1,1010 which specify an "internatl compression type. Basically - they have broken DICOM. No options on all lot of these images to use the centricity zero footprint viewer as they won't license their compression protocol. Sometimes you can hex edit and read thumbnail images encoded as JFIF / JPEG but anything compressed (Lossless TruRez) compression is unreadable outside of the centricity system.