Nov 5, 2021 09:19 AM
by Denis D
Is there a way to apply CLUT on regular series (not on fused ones) ? The idea is to display dicom maps (ADC, CBV, aso...) in colors not in greyscale.
Thanks, regards
Nov 5, 2021 10:50 PM

Basically, you can open your ADC series, and some other series (having the same image plane), fuse ADC series onto the second series and set the fusion opacity to 100%. It's a workaround, but it might work for you.

Nov 25, 2021 05:07 AM
by freemas
Hi, I get arterial and venous phase in fused series
I separate them using split series
but I could not fuse them with PET-CT properly, because They come in successive boxes.
So I close one and open PET adjacent.
If I can move the windows to convenience, it would be good