Jul 9, 2011 12:13 AM
by Tommy
I wonder if you plan to make RadiAnt hotkeys customizable at some point
I use iQ-VIEW as PACS workstation and each function can be assigned to a custom hotkey.
so I'd like to modify RadiAnt hotkeys to match those of iQ-VIEW I already use.
Jul 9, 2011 07:58 AM

Sure, there will be customizable shortcuts. We just need some time :-)
Sep 15, 2011 08:37 AM
by Tommy
here's the GUI of the shortcut customizer from iQ-VIEW.
it basically let's you assign any function to the sofware to any shortcut or hotkey combination you like (each key may be used asa shortcut... i.e. S --> scroll, Z --> zoom, R --> rotate etc. etc.)
If RadiAnt plans to have a similar feature I strongly suggest to imitate this one.
Sep 15, 2011 10:05 AM

Well, probably the GUI will be slightly different with similar degree of customization.
Sep 15, 2011 04:11 PM
by Tommy
I don't mind about GUI aestetichs.
What I really care is functionality and wide-open degree of customization
May 18, 2012 07:58 PM
by Tommy
just a reminder for the hotkeys customizer...
I'd like to match my iQ-VIEW hotkeys is RadiAnt as well.
May 21, 2012 07:48 PM

I guess it's still a few months before we implement this feature... Anyway, it's on the to-do list :-)
Sep 14, 2013 01:06 PM
by Tommy
Hi, are there any news about this? is it already possible to manually tweak the configuration files to customize default hotkeys?
Sep 15, 2013 05:10 PM

Tommy, the hotkeys customization is still untouched...
Soon we're going official with the 1.9.2 version, then we'll focus on PACS client functionality. The plan is to introduce it in the next beta version. No other new features will be added before PACS is ready.
Sep 17, 2013 03:50 PM
by Tommy
I agree. PACS is more important than hotkeys.
Jul 21, 2015 06:47 AM
by Tommy
just another consideration about custom hotkeys and current hotkeys.
I think that many of the current hotkeys are not user friendly...
there's a lot of "Ctrl+Shift+something" and few single keys used expecially in the F1 to F12 series... AFAIK actually only F4, F11 and F12 are used.
consider changing some complex hotkey combination with the non used "Fs"
Jul 22, 2015 01:24 PM

You have a point there. We'll probably revise the shortcut list soon.
Apr 1, 2016 04:11 AM
by Tommy
just a reminder...
being a "shortcut guy" the lack of shortcut customization is kinda frustrating to me, and as I said before many of the actual shortcuts are not user friendly...
please consider revising the list with more "single key" shortcuts rather than "complex Ctrl+shift+whatever" combinations
anyway a full customization table would be a bless for many users and could make easier to migrate from other DICOM viewers to RadiAnt, matching the same shortcuts from a viewer to another
Apr 2, 2016 08:13 PM

There's a chance we'll add the configuration of keyboard shortcuts via an xml file in one of the next betas.
Apr 3, 2016 05:12 AM
by Tommy
WOW!!! That's great news!!!
Apr 28, 2016 03:18 AM
by Tommy
let's label this as FIXED
thanks Maciej!!!