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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
Fixed SUV limits for default PET windows

Feb 10, 2019 03:59 PM
by Daniel

I suggest you add new PET windows with fixed SUV lower and upper limits, instead of a percentage. You could include them in the default list, and/or allow users to set them in the options.xml file.

This would be very useful for PET/CT reporting, as the standard PET window (at least in my country) is "SUV 0-5". SUV 0-10 would be useful too.

I understand this may require SUV calculation in non-fused PET images, which would be a great feature as well.

Thank you very much for your great work!


Feb 11, 2019 09:25 PM
by RadiAnt
Daniel, thank you for the suggestions and your kind words. We will add the SUV predefined levels to our to-do list.
Apr 3, 2020 07:24 AM
by heyix
Hey Daniel, your idea is available in XiaoSai dicom viewer, which I think has better support for PET-CT images :)
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