Jul 18, 2013 05:23 PM
by DavidA
Is there a functional diference in the capabilities of the full RadiAnt DICOM viewer and the Autorun Package?
Thank you for your time,
Jul 18, 2013 08:59 PM

The autorun package opens only the files contained on the CD/DVD media. User cannot open other files from local or network folders. Apart from this, the functionality is the same.
Kind regards,
Jul 19, 2013 10:15 AM
by K.B. Loh
I have DICOM CD created by Infinitt PACS.
All the DICOM series within the CD can be successfully loaded into RadiAnt DICOM Viewer. However, no image (black screen)is showed in the viewer window when the series is selected.
Is JPEG2000 decoding supported in RadiAnt DICOM Viewer?