Sep 14, 2012 03:24 PM
by Georg
Dear Radiant programmers,
first of all, my gratulation for a wunderful masterpiece of software.
I have the problem to re-aggregate a dicom pacs which has been separated on multiple drives and folders, partly with doubled files. Some of them are corrupt.
1. I would ask you, if you could implement a import function which is able to scan a complete disc and import all files which are not corrupt and optionally delete them after the importation has been successfully completed. The Import function should continue its work if it finds a not importable file and not stop on its way. With this function one could see the rest of the files and then analyse the problems. I ask for the feature because I could not find it anywhere else. I use conquest dicom server as pacs, which can import files, but not delete the imported files from their origin.
2. I would ask you to implement this function as a passthru function, so that after import of a file there should be the possibility to export it directly to a folder or send it to a pacs like conquest dicom. This could be very useful in case of large collections of some TB.
3. How many files can your database hold? I have the need for about 4.000.000 files.
Best regards,
Sep 14, 2012 05:25 PM

Dear Georg,
First of all, thank you for your kind compliment!
Currently there is no such thing as a database in RadiAnt, you just scan a folder and the files are categorized into patients/studies/series tree.
However, PACS and local DB functionality has been developed for some time now. Beta versions should be available before the end of the year.
The features that you've mentioned will be most probably included with the DB size limited only by hdd space.
Best regards,
Sep 15, 2012 06:45 AM
by Georg
Dear Maciej,
these news are fantastic! I'd love to be the first beta-tester!
Best regards from Hamburg,
Sep 16, 2012 05:59 AM
by Tommy
what about limit of studies? there are some PACS clients that have a limitation of 10000 studies that can be showed in a list.
for example K-PACS will only show the last 10000 cases... if you have 12000 cases, you have to play with date filters in order to show the first 2000
Sep 16, 2012 08:50 AM

The maximum number of studies displayed in the list will only depend on RAM capacity. I'll let you know once we have this list ready. I suppose there should be no problem showing over 100000 studies and that's a pretty conservative estimate.