Jul 21, 2017 07:45 AM
by emi matsushita
RadiAntViewer.exe -paet AE Title -pstv 0020000D "studyUID"
I succeeded in reading a single study from this command line.
But, I do not know how to read some study UID.
I tried these command lines but failed.
RadiAntViewer.exe -paet AE Title -pstv 0020000D "studyUID1" "studyUID2"
RadiAntViewer.exe -paet AE Title -pstv 0020000D "studyUID1" -pstv 0020000D"studyUID2"
Please teach me exact command line.
Jul 27, 2017 08:48 AM

Currently there is no way to download multiple studies with one command.