Nov 11, 2015 07:18 AM
by Tommy
recently I installed RadiAnt on a mammography workstation with 5 megapixel monitors.
due to the hi-resolution of those monitor the icons and the text of the RadiAnt windows are very tiny and difficult to read.
I suggest an option to enlarge those UI items in those monitors to improve user experience
Nov 12, 2015 07:18 PM

What system is installed on your mammo workstation?
RadiAnt should scale just OK on Windows 8 and above. However, the scaling will be still improved, as more and more 4K monitors are making their way to consumers. Next year probably we will deal with these issues.
Nov 12, 2015 09:48 PM
by Tommy
that is a syngo.Plaza workstation with Win7 Ultimate 64 sp1
Nov 15, 2015 04:30 PM

You're right, Tommy. RadiAnt doesn't look good on high resolution screens under Win7 and WinXP. Like I said, we will work on better scaling (to support 4K) probably sometime next year.