Jul 23, 2018 11:05 AM
by Mariusz
After changing of PC configuration - added an ordinary monitor more for "bueraucracy" got I message form RadiAnt to buy a new licence or deactivate udes previously to re-activate...
Author not respond after 3 and more days... How can I deactivate RadiAnt to re-activate for new PC configuration on same PC? Anybody know?
Jul 23, 2018 11:35 AM

I am really sorry for your bad expierience, but we have not received any emails from you regarding this issue (save for todays email). Your old configuration has been deactivated and your license is now ready for re-activation. You can always login to the "My Licenses" service to manage your activations:
Aug 14, 2018 08:27 AM
by Mariusz
Thanks! You have solved my problem. But... I suppose to consider - is it necessary to make such strong restrictions? If I change a keyboard set, monitor, some peripherals... should I reactivate? What kind of elements make reactivation necessary, could you supply it information in manual? By the way... it`s only two times to reactivate license... Why so sharp...??? Any possibility to have a hardware key in another license type?
Aug 21, 2018 08:29 PM

The following elements are taken into account as far as activation is regarded: CPU, memory, hard disk serial number, network MAC address.
You can deactivate the same machine only twice, but if you move the license to different machine each time, there is only a limit preventing from doing this more than once in 90 days. We don't plan to introduce hardware keys anytime soon, I'm afraid.