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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum

Aug 8, 2022 03:18 AM
by Radman
Well I'm pleased to see you have added another way to annoy users of your program, besides the 60 second starts, banners over the read area you have now added 20 minute shutdowns.

While I appreciate you are a commercial product trying to sell subscriptions, your inability to provide a floating license for radiologists such as myself, who may be rostered to different locations and different workstations every day is a bit of a joke really.

I am perfectly happy to pay for a subscription I can take with me wherever I may be working, just like my Office 365, but I'll be damned if I'm going to purchase 15 subs to cover every machine I may be possibly using on a given day.

Aug 9, 2022 10:20 AM
by RadiAnt
We understand that our licensing model might not be suitable for everybody.
But perhaps you could use a single license installed on your laptop and use it in those 15 different places?
Aug 10, 2022 01:18 AM
by Radman
Good idea, apart from the lack of real estate compared with a desktop when looking at multiple series, worksheets etc. Not at all a satisfactory alternative.
Aug 10, 2022 08:39 AM
by lorvan
Hai perfettamente ragione. Ho una licenza sola e non la posso trasportare ed ora gli arresti ogni 15 minuti. *** ***** che la rinnovo e così i miei colleghi. Scusate se non scrivo in inglese, in inglese non conosco le parolacce
Aug 15, 2022 01:12 PM
by DrMaestro

I completely agree with Radman on the need to provide a floating license model for subscription. I've been on hold for a long time to purchase the software but unfortunately it never arrives. A laptop isn't an alternative to a floating license, especially if you need to connect to a hospital database which requires a fixed IP, so you can't just connect your laptop to the network and download studies. Is it too difficult to program technically?

Thank you very much for providing us your software for free for such a long time, however I am not sure if adding new restrictions will allow you to gain new subscriptions, until you solve this important licensing problem.

Best wishes...
Aug 15, 2022 07:01 PM
by boskar
As I like (love?) the software, for past two years, since the release of DSA module, we see no major features and restriction on a trial.
I'm perfectly aware that's a commercial product, and It have always been, although the use of Radiant will decrease in my environment, being less recognizable.
Honestly I somehow thought that real monetization will happen at the point You'll get CE marking. Now I just hope You'll spend the income to get the certificate : )
Proud user of perma-license from the time it was still possible to get one. I just hope You won't block me way to migrate to newer PCs.
Aug 15, 2022 08:16 PM
by RadiAnt
We think it's worth noting that it always has been a free TRIAL license for RadiAnt, not freeware/freemium/etc. Probably one of the most liberal trial models ever, considering a pretty niche software. Yes, the restrictions have appeared over recent years - why would anyone pay if they can have something for free... However, would it be better if we offered a standard 14-day trial period and that's it? We still think that for many use cases the trial will do it. And as for the price, 3 EUR per month, is it really something one cannot spare if they really care for RadiAnt? Moreover, we still release beta versions with completely no delays/banner/time-limited sessions...
Aug 15, 2022 08:21 PM
by RadiAnt

No worries. There are no such plans to block legacy permanent licenses. After all, most of these users purchased a license even though they could have basically similar functionality for free.
Aug 18, 2022 07:34 PM
by boskar
There are basically two scenarios to be considered:

1. Public sector, thousends of computers, potentially around 50-100 in my own hospital, where getting 3 EUR per month is really difficult - not even because there is no money in the hospital, but because it's public sector, therefore:
a) buying anything non-permanent is nearly impossible, some of our workstations are 14 years old and we still haven't been able to replace/upgrade them.
b) Radiant, from legal point of view, is pointless in work environment. It's good, useful as hell, but not sufficient to make a report, not even classified as "review software" - could be used only "as a reference". "Nice-to-have" but not mandatory anywhere.

You know, currently I even do have a money to buy as many radiant licenses I'd like to in my hospital - but we'd probably use a PACS provided reference DICOM browser, due to non-limited nature (every computer in a network, permanent license). It would problably cost less to buy 5-year license for Radiant for every possible computer in a hospital, but specyfing the amount of users, binding the license to a PC, time-limitation... From a manager's point of view It sounds like a waste of money.

In my opinion You could still serve permanent licenses through resellers (PACS/RIS Vendors) in such a scenarios, even if it costs more then 5 year license. I don't know how many licenses You sell per year, but one good tender could give You - in my opinion - significant income.

2. Regarding small outclinics, primary care, etc
If it's my own PC, at home, or in my own private clinic - I don't mind spending 3 euros, it's worth it. But spending 3 euros for a license for somebody's else computer - no way. That's why we need floating license scenario. I work in 3 outpatient sites, using at least 6 different PC, going there respectively once a month, once a week, and once every two weeks.
And managers there don't feel like they need the software for anything, especially in a subscription model.

Really, it's not as easy as buying a beer - even if the price is comparable.
Sep 28, 2022 02:49 PM
by RadiAnt
Thanks for your remarks, boskar. We certainly take into consideration presented points of view.
Oct 15, 2022 07:19 AM
by Dr.Fiqri
honestly if you provide 10euros per month for a single user instead of PC, i would've gotten it.

i don't understand why you need to lock per PC in 2022.
pretty sure you wouldve gotten way more subscribers with a per user subscription instead.
Oct 20, 2022 08:36 AM
by Lukash
We need floating license.
+1 from happy RadiAnt user for 10 years
Oct 21, 2022 09:41 PM
by NicolasB
Dear, today I bought the license in order to avoid cuts in the free trial...however, despite having the license enabled, it closes after 15 minutes, which is a serious problem. Could someone give me support? Thank you
Oct 22, 2022 06:37 PM
by NicolasB
It´s fixed! You can delete the previous message from the forum. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
Oct 25, 2022 05:17 PM
by Richard
When my PC will broke it mean my license is gone?
Oct 26, 2022 12:44 AM
by JoseFranco
If I'm using my license on a computer, but then I get a new one, can I install radiant with the same license on the new computer?
Oct 30, 2022 11:02 AM
by Richard
JoseFranco this is very important question and still no answer from support.
Oct 31, 2022 10:38 PM
by RadiAnt
Yes, you can move a license to a new computer if you changed the PC. For a single license this process can be performed once in any 90-day period.
Nov 2, 2022 11:23 PM
by Richard
License is fused to network card mac or something else?
Nov 6, 2022 10:55 AM
by ffh
Agree with the above comments regarding having a per user license model - allowing software to be installed on multiple machines but only allow one concurrent use per licensee.
I have a license on an old laptop which still has an optical disk - want to transfer this onto my current laptop, but as no optical drive, I'll be stuck for the odd occasions when I still have to read a study provided on disk. It's difficult to justify a second license for those infrequent occasions.

Great product otherwise.
Nov 28, 2022 09:45 AM
by drznadvago
Yes yes yes
Per-user license, not per-workstation PLEASE!
Jan 9, 2023 06:41 PM
The lack of per-user licensing has caused us to seek an alternative for our multiple OBLs and Surgery Centers. We use non-persistent desktops in a central data center. Users get a new machine each time the log on and the virtual machine is deleted at log off. The user's profile is always there when we log in. All of our other business apps that require subscriptions tie the subscription to the user and keep the licensing data in the user profile (Office, Intuit products, Adobe products, etc. Tying subscriptions to devices seems like a step backwards.
Sep 13, 2023 07:53 PM
by RadiAnt
Per-device licenses ensure uninterrupted use on computers without internet connections, eliminating the need for constant online validation. This model is cost-efficient for shared devices, and compliant with strict security regulations.
Jan 27, 2024 03:48 PM
by Dogan
How to add total hip and knee templates plugins?
Mar 17, 2024 08:01 PM
by RadiAnt
I'm sorry, but no such plugins exist for RadiAnt.
Jul 11, 2024 06:01 AM
by Radman
Almost two and a half years on, and despite the more than reasonable justification for a floating license, no action has been taken by the Radiant management on the issue. Whilst there are many loyal users who love the program, you have ignored them at your own peril.
Aug 29, 2024 06:12 PM
by Guest
I would recommend something like Netflix, where you can use a fix number of devises to watch at de same time, anywhere you want, what if you allow one license to be used in one computer at a time regardless the PC.
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