Mar 7, 2017 01:56 PM
by schmunzel
Hi All
I am very impressed by Radiant. Its an excellent tool and I appreciate your work very much.
However for a study I am conducting I am doing several measurements on the Spine of dogs and I am currently using a measurement tool in the (also great) Weasis in order to be able to measure at a 90° angle in relation to a line drawn between two points.
MEaning I draw a line between two points (endpoints of vertebrae or other points of interest) and perpendicular to this line at 90° another line is set with which I measure a length.
As it is cumbersome to use two programs Id like to ask whether it would be possible to add said measurement option
S. Engelhardt
Mar 7, 2017 02:06 PM
by Schmunzel
On second thought - would it be possible to have a toolset to create measurement tools for complex measurements?
For example one thing that picks my interest is the symmetry of vertebrae
regards Schmunzel
Mar 14, 2017 10:26 PM

Thank you for your kind words!
We plan to add the tool that you mentioned. However, we have a few things with higher priority on our to-do list. So I'm afraid that I can't even give you an approximate time frame...
As for the toolset, currently it's not planned.
Kind regards,