Sep 20, 2018 01:37 PM
by Carsten
Hi RadiAnt-Team,
I drew some (about 10) measurements in a series of MR-DICOMs (ellipses + lines)
They seem to disappear after a while !?
When I switch between images or just wait some time, some of the measurements (it seem to be the oldest) were gone.
I can draw measurements in different images in different series and can switch back and forth. Everything seem to be normal. Just after a while the oldest of them are gone.
I use v3.4.1.13367 (64 bit) on Windows 7
Best regards
Sep 21, 2018 07:28 AM

Hi Carsten. This is pretty old version that you use. We do not support it anymore. Please check if the problem still exist with the latest version (4.6.5).