Jun 14, 2017 10:23 PM
by JoshG
I was wondering.. how does RadiAnt determine whether or not, when you open a folder, all of the files within are a series? For example: if I were to have a CT, folder "foo", that contained 600 CT slices (.dcms), how does RadiAnt determine the order of those slices and that they are from the same CT?
What prompts this is that I currently have a custom made script that manipulates CTs in a way that is valuable to my company. That being said, after manipulation, RadiAnt is failing to register those 600 .dcms as being in series. Instead, upon opening a folder, only one slice is opened and displayed. However, other software packages (ie: itk-snap) still appropriately recognize the in series nature.
My best guess is that is has something to do with the fact that I am playing around with the meta data of the CT - specifically the SOP Instance UID (but that's a guess)
Any thoughts?
Jun 16, 2017 02:57 PM
Please make sure that each file has a different SOP Instance UID and the same Series Instance UID. They will be assigned to one series then.