Mar 31, 2020 11:33 AM
by Henri
In the PACS Integration manual there is an option to launch Radiant from radiant:// links or command line and open 2 studies (eg passing several -pstv arguments) in the same window, using PACS Q/R.
It appears it doesn't work.
Have tried using Study ID, Study UID, Accession number etc
In addition, do we have to specify the AET once in the command or multiple times (eg for each study)?
The following will open only Accession 82490:
If i open as single studies (Accession 82490 or 274571) both work as expected. Eg:
Mar 31, 2020 11:47 AM
by aaaaaaa
If something does not work, the company always writes you should contact them per email and not in the forum.
Apr 2, 2020 09:37 AM

Actually, we are also happy to answer the questions regarding issues with RadiAnt here on forum :-) Only when the source DICOM files are required to diagnose the problem, we ask users to contact us directly so that they can share the files in a safe manner.
Currently RadiAnt can only use URLs to open multiple studies when StudyUID is used to distinguish the studies. It's not possible to use multiple "Accession number" tags. We also identified a problem that can cause the last parameter in the URL not to be read properly. Those issues will be fixed in the next beta version (it should be available in a week or two, right after the 2020.1 public version is released).
Apr 6, 2020 09:28 AM

Please check our latest 2020.2 BETA version. Your issues should be resolved.
Jul 5, 2022 01:56 AM
by Le
In the past. Radiant can open multiples series in one folder, for example folder A contains Series A1 (CT before interventional) and series A2 (CT post interventional). By right click on A folder, choose open by radiant, folder A can be opened with both Series A1 and A2. But now, Radiant can open only one series A1 or A2. Thank you