Jan 27, 2023 04:06 AM
by neumann
I've recently purchased a yearly Radiant license for use on my Mac. It is running in 'Play on mac', but when I launched it the second time after activation it 'detected hardware change'. I de-activated the machine through the licensing website and added it again, but it appears every launch of the radiant on play-on-mac results in 'detected hardware change'
Does anyone know of a resolution?
Sep 13, 2023 07:59 PM

This may have been caused by some configuration changes reported to RadiAnt - memory size, computer name, or network MAC address.
Our experience shows that you can have stable activation using CrossOver MAC for running RadiAnt on Mac computers.
Dec 2, 2023 03:27 PM
by Fabrizio
I have exactly the same problem. The "harware change" detected make it useless to have payd for the Radiant license.
Dec 23, 2023 07:53 PM

Please use your serial number to reactivate RadiAnt after hardware change is detected when running via CrossOver MAC.