Mar 14, 2011 05:28 PM

New functions in this version:
-loading DICOM files directly from compressed ZIP archive
-pencil tool (e.g. to highlight a region during presentation)
Also, a few bug fixes.
RadiAnt DICOM Viewer BETA
Mar 15, 2011 11:39 AM
by Dr Sameer Shamshuddin
This is a brilliant piece of software, all the radiology teachers would love this and be greatful to you
Thanks a million RadiAnt
Mar 15, 2011 11:49 AM
by K.B. Loh
New pencil tool, easy for annotation.
So far all the features working previously remained intact.
Excellent job!
Keep it up!
Mar 15, 2011 07:36 PM

Glad to hear all works as supposed, thanks!
I have just uploaded an installer with added Hungarian translation and updated German and Polish.
Mar 19, 2011 07:03 AM
by PatJan
Witam i gratuluję, program jest świetny w swej suroowej funkcjonalności.
Mam pytanie, ponieważ wersja o.3 (nie wiem jak nowsza czy poprzednie) nie wyświetla adnotacji zapisanych przy użyciu np. konsoli Leonardo siemensa w save screenach z badania oraz nie widać tekstu z protokołu badania - czywynika to z mojej winy czy też jest ografniczeniem funkcjonalności przeglądarki.
Mar 19, 2011 09:33 AM

w chwili obecnej RadiAnt nie posiada funkcjonalności wyświetlania adnotacji, które są niezależnie od obrazu zapisane w pliku DICOM. Jednak za jakiś czas pewnie przyjdzie pora na implementację tej funkcji.
Dziękuję za miłe słowa i pozdrawiam!
Mar 19, 2011 08:37 PM
by M.Parro
It 's the easiest and fastest viewer that I used
you are great
There will be a version for linux?
Mar 20, 2011 09:21 AM

Thank you! Currently we're putting all efforts in developing a friendly and fast viewer for Windows, which means we're using mostly system specific functions that would make porting our project to other systems time consuming. So for now no linux version is planned.
However, you can run RadiAnt on linux using Wine:
Apr 11, 2011 10:38 AM
by Paramita Mitra
is there any features to access from any machiene?if it is which port number has to be open?
Apr 11, 2011 12:09 PM

Currently RadiAnt doesn't provide any services accessible via network.
Apr 16, 2011 12:28 PM
by Sameer
Dear Maciez
Is it possible to compare two studies.
When i select the folder option it only allows me to select 1 DICOM DIR folder, can you add a function: ctr select or shift select (like in windows explorer) so that more than one DICOM DIR folder can be selected to load together.
Apr 16, 2011 02:41 PM
by Neva
Your viewer looks great. However it doesn't recognize my ultrasound multiframe images as being DICOM. I have no trouble opening them in all sorts of other viewers.
I'm using the 64 bit version.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Apr 16, 2011 06:02 PM

Sameer: Good idea! Loading from more than one folder should be working in the next release.
Neva: Thanks :-) Could you possibly send me a sample DICOM that doesn't load in RadiAnt ( It's probably an easy fix...
Apr 16, 2011 08:40 PM
by Guest
Thanks Maciez
You are a star !!!
Looking fwd to the next release, any idea of the timeframe ?
Am so glued to RadiAnt, i look for your website atleast twice a day !!! haha
Apr 16, 2011 08:42 PM
by Sameer
Also wondered
If it would be possible to save a study into a movie file !
Am asking a lot i suppose !!!
Apr 17, 2011 01:42 PM

We hope to resume a steady flow of new beta releases sometime in May. Thus, no need to check us out twice a day, at least in April ;-)
As for exporting to a movie file - rather later than sooner, there are more important features occupying our to-do list...
Jun 3, 2011 01:27 PM
by sameer
Thanks Tommy, that's brilliant
Jun 3, 2011 07:50 PM
by Tommy
brilliant indeed!!!
I just found out this accidentally...
I think the developers should highlight this feature and add a YouTube tutorial video showing how to compare different studies
Jun 4, 2011 06:37 PM
by Saeed S. Aljohani
Hi, first i would like to greet you for all your great work ,
am a PACS Admin working at a 500 bed hospital and i tested radiant on our system , the result were great i never expected a simple free dicom viewer could overcome such a system , i only tried it as a test and it was amazing , there are some point needs to be considered , first thing the lack of query retrieve function , thats a really important function , and also the support of portable devices specially the new blackberry playbook , the playbook has a full HD screen and no dicom viewer available yet so that would be a great chance for radiant to prove it self on the market and compete with osirix of the ipad , imagine a dicom viewer that support full HD , i think that would be a giant step for the dicom viewers , regards and good luck.
Jun 5, 2011 08:09 AM

Dear Saeed,
I'm happy to hear that you like our viewer :-) Gradually RadiAnt will be supplied with additional functionalities. PACS connectivity is one of them.
As for Blackberry playbook version - unfortunately with our limited resources it wouldn't make sense to cease windows version development right now and start implementation for another operating system. I'm sure time will come also for windows tablets. This is where we'll be heading.
I also would like to thank you for creating the Arabic translation for RadiAnt.
Best regards,