Jan 31, 2012 01:11 PM

This beta version includes the following new features:
- PET-CT fusion (other image types can be also fused)
- screen splitting with a predefined column/row number (drag and drop series thumbnail images into viewports)
- DICOM tags inspection window (CTRL+ALT+T)
We'll appreciate your comments.
Download address:
Feb 4, 2012 09:15 PM
by Tommy
We discussed most of these already in private mail but I'd like to share my thoughts about this beta with other users
1- MPR
great new feature!!! fast and accurate!!!
new toolbar button is cool!!!
another great one!!! I'm using for DWI fusion with conventional MR images and it rocks!!! the toolbar button is cool as well!!!
the only issue is that you cannot yet save and export the fused images.
this solution makes easier and more intuitive to display multiple series at once. I had to get used a little to the new open-close viewport behavior, but now I would not ask anymore to revert to previous one.
probably I will not use that much this one but I bet some PACS oriented users will appreciate it.
Feb 8, 2012 09:27 PM

We're happy that new features are working well. Proper export of fused images (to jpeg/bmp/wmv) is being taken care of :-)
Feb 9, 2012 02:27 PM
by sameer
This version is absolutely brilliant, welldone
Feb 9, 2012 02:39 PM
by sameer
A small bug,
to view 2 series i used ctr+click, then when i wanted to close the second window, it only closed the series but not the viewer window !
Actually had to close radiant and relaunch to get back to one window
Any probability of hanging protocols for the future ?
Feb 11, 2012 10:08 PM
by chris
nice work, i wish next release with VR render! and fix the window bug
Feb 12, 2012 07:59 AM
by Tommy
@sameer @chris
regarding the "close window" bug the developers told me that they will fix it by reverting the closing viewport behaviour back to 0.50 release.
Feb 12, 2012 09:14 PM

Sameer, Chris - thanks!
Like Tommy said, the next version will have restored default closing behavior.
Feb 15, 2012 06:48 AM
by Tommy
do you have a release date of next beta?
apart from closing behaviour will be there any new features/fixes?
Feb 16, 2012 08:19 PM
by eaguilera
I find the new beta great
I think its necessary angle measurements
thank you
Feb 16, 2012 08:35 PM

I can share a secret that angle measurements will be introduced in the next beta :-)
Feb 17, 2012 07:34 AM
by Tommy
nice!!! Cobb angle for scoliosis will be available as well?
Feb 17, 2012 12:43 PM

Yes, Cobb angle will be available.
Feb 20, 2012 01:38 PM
by eaguilera
thank you