Jun 16, 2019 07:48 PM

RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 5.0.0
New features:
* Local archive - import DICOM studies from CD/DVD discs, USB flash drives, local and network folders or PACS servers, and store them on your computer in RadiAnt database.
* Export 3D models to STL files.
* Added support for password protected ZIP files (ZIP 2.0, AES-128, AES-192, AES-256).
* Added the "Save RAW value" option in the DICOM tags window.
Improvements and bug fixes:
* Improved mouse wheel behavior for precision devices (e.g., Surface Precision Mouse).
* Changed the maximum split screen layout to 5x5.
* Changed: the location overlay now shows the position of the center of frame for images with non-orthogonal orientation.
* Added support for overlays with non-zero origin.
* Added support for per-frame overlays in multi-frame DICOM files.
* Added option to launch structured reporting documents in the external web browser (Ctrl + Enter).
* Added option to display a logo image in the HTML SR documents (via options.xml).
* Added support for SUV calculations in studies acquired with Siemens Biograph PET-CT.
* Added support for TIC generation in studies acquired with Toshiba Vantage MRI.
* Fixed several bugs causing crashes and memory leaks.
* Other performance improvements.
Jun 16, 2019 07:50 PM

Jun 17, 2019 07:01 AM
by GT
Thank you very much!!
Jun 18, 2019 11:24 AM
by Tommy
great new release (as usual)!!!
now you deserve to enjoy summer and start working on next new features in september
Jun 18, 2019 04:13 PM
by Tommy
just one curiosity... you did the MPR engine, the VR engine and now the PACS archive...
so, what's gonna be the next major new feature? any ideas?
Jun 19, 2019 07:22 AM

Thanks guys! Most probably the CPR module (Curved Planar Reformation) will be the next major feature - some serious work has been done already.
Jun 21, 2019 09:27 AM
by Konstantin
Hello, is it possible in the new version to get access on the database of the radiant viewer from another pc with radiant?? I have put some patient data on the database but for me it was not possible to query the database from another pc with radiant. All other connections works fine. Complete Q&R to PACS ( dcm4chee ) and to OSIRIX MD.
Jun 22, 2019 11:12 AM
by hello
Thank you very much for this new plug-in that we use to integrate our database, but the problem like me, I have a database of 5222 folder start over 1.4 T, which your new option has consumed more 40 gigabytes of space using the option link (I avoided the dorect transport option) I do not like, space problem and my folders are organized according to my needs, so, if I run the l aplication, it will put more time, my case more than 16 minutes and I imagine this time will climb if I add more data, because the -shm extension takes a long time to reach the optimal download time , I hope to focus your efforts so that this option memorizes the data and the opening of the application will be fast thank you.
Jun 25, 2019 10:22 AM

The RadiAnt database can only be accessed locally. Querying and retrieving from other PCs is not possible.
The folder with the database files (including temporary -shm and -wal files) should be located on a local drive (preferably a fast ssd drive). It is not designed to be downloaded. Perhaps we will add the option to disable those temporary files in the future, but the performance will certainly suffer.
Jun 26, 2019 02:39 PM
I am using RadiAnt on Linux with wine&playonlinux. However it is not possible to locate DICOM folder with "open dicom folder" menu option with v5.0 version. I can only import it when I drag and drop the files into the RadiAnt window. This problem did not exist on v4.69 and all previous versions of the software.
The other thing is; nuclear medicine community at least whome I can reach waits for the live point location of the lesions on MIP and on 3 sections (transaxial, sagittal, coronal) which is different than MPR visualisation. Our PET/CT workstations have a function to move the cross-signed point simultaneously to locate within all 3 sections and on MIP. That function will be great for us.
Jun 27, 2019 06:53 PM
by aaaaaaaaaa
For me, Radiant works well with wine on ubuntu (without playonlinux).
My wine is wine-3.0 (Ubuntu 3.0-1ubuntu1). I use a 64bit prefix.
You can change the wine version used in playonlinux.
Jun 29, 2019 05:42 PM

We check RadiAnt only with the latest stable version of Wine, which currently is 4.0.1.
There are no problems with the open folder dialog in this version.
Jul 1, 2019 01:33 PM
Thanks for the replies. I solved the problem regarding folder placements with wine. Now it works fluently on my Linux distrubition which is MXlinux-17.
Jul 2, 2019 12:21 PM
by Tom
Hi, is there any option to export dicoms to pacs? Or maybe in next version?
Jul 4, 2019 08:11 PM

The DICOM send functionality is not planned in the near feature, I'm afraid. There is no specific time-frame set for it.
Jul 5, 2019 10:32 PM
by Damian
What's a pitty there is no "send dicoms to pacs" service, hope it'll be available sooner than later on Radiant. To overcome this importnt but missing feature I use dovo app, you'll find it on GitHub. It has automatic Jpeg2000 to ELE transfer syntax converter implemented, a very useful tool IMHO!
Jul 6, 2019 09:03 AM
by boskar
Hello, as RadiAnt Wine maintainer I've found some more issues in my wine setup, RadiAnt mostly suffers from window drawing/rendering
Measuerements box are empty as well.
Jul 6, 2019 02:51 PM
by hello
first of all thank you very much for the quick response that you have given regarding the temporary files that prevent the management list from quickly sowing, but since I personally prefer to use link option from a custom source folder, I note that I have to choose only one folder to be able to tag it, is it possible to offer us the ability to choose multiple folders using the CTRL button for multi-choice DICOM folder wanted and organize them by a link.
Jul 9, 2019 02:44 PM
by push
hi,some studies are not loading after downloading version 5.0.1.i have never had this issue in previous versions.kindly help.
Jul 11, 2019 06:58 PM

This is a strange issue. We will try to check it. However, note that we can only test with the latest Wine version.
You can choose several folders in Explorer and drag those folders into DB window to import all of them.
Please contact us directly at
We will try to resolve your issue.
Sep 27, 2019 11:34 PM
by Guest
Thank you very much for this new plug-in that we use to integrate our database, but the problem like me, I have a database of 5222 folder start over 1.4 T, which your new option has consumed more 40 gigabytes of space using the option link (I avoided the dorect transport option) I do not like, space problem and my folders are organized according to my needs, so, if I run the l aplication, it will put more time, my case more than 16 minutes and I imagine this time will climb if I add more data, because the -shm extension takes a long time to reach the optimal download time , I hope to focus your efforts so that this option memorizes the data and the opening of the application will be fast thank you.
Oct 1, 2019 11:04 AM

The database files (*.rdbdb and temporary -shm/-wal files) have to be located on a local hard disk (or USB drive). They are not meant to be stored in remote locations or to be downloaded. This is the way the database was designed.
Jul 10, 2021 05:16 PM
by scifill
I followed the instructional video (Thanks by the way!) to install RadiAnt on a Mac (Yosemite 10.10.2) using Winebottler. Everything went well, both apps are in my Applications folder. But when I try to open RadiAnt with Wine, it flickers as if opening, but nothing happens. I'm wondering about a conflict with Decompressor, which I got to unzip. Opening was defaulting to Decompressor until I threw it in the trash. Thanks!
Jul 13, 2021 09:00 AM

We do not officially support installation on macOS, I'm afraid. If something does not work for you, we cannot help. You might want to check the crossover method, though: