Apr 18, 2017 08:50 PM
by Michael Kedl
Hello, I suspect RadiAnt to be the viewer I will need to view our CT images of circuit boards we are building; but I can't make it rotate / scalpel; it stays in 2D mode with the 3D button dimmed out. We need to be able to view the solder voids in 3D to determine how to adjust our manufacturing process.
I get raw files from the CT and use gdcmimg to create a dcm file but I suspect the program isn't writing headers in a way that RadiAnt sees it is a volumetric file.
Is there anything I can tweak in the dcm creation process or in RadiAnt?
A much simpler dcm viewer does view the slices and creates a 3D image but it doesn't have all the features RadiAnt does.
Apr 25, 2017 08:46 PM
Thank you for providing the sample files.
They were missing spatial information necessary for RadiAnt to run series in 3D viewers.
Sample values are shown below:
(0020,0032) DS -101.700\-172.600\-130.500 # 3, 26 Image Position (Patient)
(0020,0037) DS 1.0\0.0\0.0\0.0\1.0\0.0 # 6, 54 Image Orientation (Patient)
(0028,0030) DS 0.488281\0.488281 # 2, 18 Pixel Spacing
Apr 26, 2017 05:52 PM
by Michael Kedl
Here is the complete minimal list I needed to get it to work:
0002,0000 File Meta Information Group Leng UL 1 14
0002,0001 File Meta Information Version OB 1 00 01
0008,0016 SOP Class UID UI 1 1.2.840.10008.
0020,000D Study Instance UID UI 1 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1143.878...(64 Bytes)
0020,0032 Image Position (Patient) DS 3 0.0\0.0\-1.0
0020,0037 Image Orientation (Patient) DS 6 1.000000\0.000000\0.000000\0.0...(54 Bytes)
0028,0002 Samples per Pixel US 1 1
0028,0004 Photometric Interpretation CS 1 MONOCHROME2
0028,0010 Rows US 1 1646
0028,0011 Columns US 1 1661
0028,0030 Pixel Spacing DS 2 1.0\1.0
0028,0100 Bits Allocated US 1 8
0028,0101 Bits Stored US 1 8
0028,0102 High Bit US 1 7
0028,0103 Pixel Representation US 1 0
7FE0,0010 Pixel Data OB 1 49 49 47 46 45 46 49 4D 4C 47 ...(2734006 Bytes)