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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
Rebuilding the database

Dec 10, 2020 03:42 PM
by kffiatek


How to rebuild a database that has some files missing. I downloaded 1,200 studies to a new database one time, and those studies were done. The next time I downloaded another 1200 tests to the database and although the dcm files are on the disk, there are no entries in the database. When I ordered to retrieve the files from the database directory again, RadiAnt started deleting the files in ... storage \ 000 \ 000 and beyond. Does the database have a size limit? Is it the same in the trial and commercial version?

best regards



Jak odbudować bazę danych, w której nie ma części plików. Pobrałem jednego razu 1200 badań do nowej bazy danych i te badania były. Kolejnym razem pobrałem do bazy danych kolejne 1200 badań i choć pliki dcm są na dysku, nie ma wpisów w bazie. Kiedy poleciłem pobrać pliki jeszcze raz z katalogu bazy, RadiAnt zaczął kasować pliki w katalogu\000\000 i kolejnych. Czy baza danych ma ograniczenie wielkości? Czy jest ono takie samo w wersji testowej i komercyjnej?

Dec 11, 2020 05:37 PM
by RadiAnt
Please download our latest version (2020.2.2). Previous versions had a rare issue with overwriting previous images that could happen when importing to a database using both Copy and Add methods. You need to create a new database and import the images from your backup.

RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 2020.2.2
built on November 26, 2020

Improvements and bug fixes:

Fixed issue with study downloads via C-GET protocol.
Fixed issue with trial activation.
Fixed rare issue with the local archive when new imports might cause files of older studies be overwritten.
Dec 13, 2020 10:54 AM
by kffiatek
You have probably heard it many times, but I looked into the database (it’s SQLite!) only to realize once again that RadiAnt is one of the best programs I have ever seen.
Dec 13, 2020 04:15 PM
by RadiAnt
Thank you for your kind comments!
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