Feb 5, 2012 05:21 PM
by Tommy
this would be very useful when you deal with multiphase CT.
split screen 2x2 (unenhanced, arterial, venous, late phase)
draw your ROI over lesion in first viewport, then copy exact ROI size and position replicating it into other phases.
on Siemens Syngo systems you can do this selecting the ROI in first viewport and then Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V, over other viewports
Feb 8, 2012 09:24 PM

Yes, it's a useful feature that at some point RadiAnt will provide.
Feb 9, 2012 08:59 AM
by Tommy
thanks, it would be useful also with ADC images.
sometimes the lesion are more clearly visibile in the DWI image while the corrensponding ADC map image is noisy...
copying the ROI from the DWI into the ADC would enable exact matching without the risk of incorrect positioning and erroneous sampling
Oct 6, 2012 01:28 PM
by Tommy
feature added in 1.2.7 Beta release.
great, well done!!!
Oct 7, 2012 04:47 PM

Thanks :-)