Sep 2, 2011 05:20 PM
by Tommy
actually RadiAnt let's you see studies in single series mode (simple click on preview series thumbnail bar) or multiple series mode (with Ctrl click)
since most of the users I know want to watch studies in multiple series mode with cross references, what do you think about invert the actual behavior?
I mean, single click for multiple series and for single series
an alternative would be a toolbar button to toggle single/multiple series viewing to get rid of the ctrl-click thing
Sep 2, 2011 11:04 PM
by sameer
also wonder, if it is possible to automatically load the next series after viewing the 1st.
RadiAnt allows to click and view a series, but doesnot take automatically to the next series after the last image but instead takes you to the first image of the series
It would be nice to scroll from Image 1 of series 1 to last image of the last series in one single window
Just a lil thought for improvisation
RadiAnt still Rockkkkkkkkkkkssssssssssssss
Sep 3, 2011 08:13 AM
by Tommy
I think you are talking about "continuous series" viewing.
the CareStream PACS viewer in the hospital I worked few years ago had this option to load all series in the same viewport and watch them in a single stream.
however you should know that you can easily jump to next and previous series with arrow keys
as an expert users of RadiAnt I have no trouble using the Ctrl-click thing to view multiple series.
my request is instead directed to occasional users of RadiAnt who loads the software from a CD-ROM
the software is very intuitive in almost every aspect and needs no manual to be used proficiently
however the only non-intuitive things is multiple series viewing...
occasional new users (I mean patients and referring physicians) will probably have no clue they can load multiple series with Ctrl-Click...
they will probably think that RadiAnt may load just one series at once and will not take adavantage of auto-sync and cross references.
I think it would be much more intuitive to make "single click" open the selected series in a new viewport...
if you open too many viewports you can then close those you don't need with their "X" button...
as I said my impression is that nobody, except the followers of this forum, knows about the Ctrl-click thing
Sep 4, 2011 01:08 PM

I'd rather leave the default behavior. However, I totally agree that significant number of users are not aware of multiple series viewing and something has to be (and certainly will be) done about this.
I'll add this feature to our to do list :-)
Thanks for sharing your ideas.
Sep 4, 2011 07:44 PM
by Sameer
Dear Maciej
Thank you for your continued enthusiasm and support
How is the MPR option getting on...guess in the pipeline !!!
@ Tommy
good thoughts indeed
Sep 5, 2011 09:48 AM

Next beta version will bring simple MPR - coronal and sagittal views from axial slices. I hope to release it before the end of September.
Sep 5, 2011 05:01 PM
by Sameer
Thats great news, best wishes and looking fwd to it
Sep 5, 2011 07:50 PM
by Tommy
MPR are interesting
but how will you deal with volumetric datasets that are not acquired in axial plane?
I do a lot of 3D MRI of the spine with isotropic sequences that are originally acquired in sagittal plane, then I reconstruct coronals and axials from the sagittal source images
some DICOM viewers I tried with basic MPR tools have troubles with those images since they always assume the source dataset is axial (like in CT).
the same applies to coronal 3D MRCP
Sep 5, 2011 08:10 PM

By simple MPR I meant reconstructions in orthogonal planes, so coronal and axial from sagittal or sagittal and axial from coronal will be handled, too. However, there's a slight possibility I was overly optimistic about the timeframe, October is a safer bet ;-)
Dec 4, 2011 08:43 AM
by Tommy
some more thoughts about a more intuitive way to view multiple series in RadiAnt viewer.
many DICOM viewers I know have a "split screen" button that let you decide the number of viewports you prefer.
a button to toggle 1,2,4 etc. etc. viewports like K-PACS would be a more intuitive way to load multiple series.
as I told you before, many referring physicians who receive tha RadiAnt CD will never know about the "Ctrl-click" thing.
I bet that many orthopedic surgeons don't even know where the "Ctrl" key is :-)
Dec 4, 2011 10:17 PM

Tommy, a separate button for screen splitting is a must. We should soon be dealing with it.
BTW, we're launching tomorrow an mpr beta ...finally ;-)
Dec 5, 2011 01:53 PM
by Tommy
the split-screen button would make RadiAnt a 100% dummy-proof software
while expert users already know how to use Ctrl-click.
looking forward to test the MPR beta version