Nov 20, 2015 03:52 PM
by Martin
First I want to say that Radiant is a very nice, easy to use dicom viewer which really works great! And for an unusally affordable prize (I am still in evaluation period but I have already decided to buy a licensed version).
For my purposes 2 Features are really missing. I sometimes have to follow MRI studies done offsite in real time and that means I have to download sequences as soon as they come (dont worry - it is only for checking if the study suffices and NOT for diagnostic purposes). But I cannot download only the new series, I always have to download the whole study (again, and again, and again...). I would really need to be able to select the download on sequence level.
Second: the MPR Feature is good, but it would be better if I could adapt the angle a little bit (in an obliquely positioned patient the straight sagittal plane is not the same as the straight sagittal plane from up to down through the image).
Of course - there would be many more ideas and wishes (eg. segmentation tools for VR of MRI), but I understand that you want to keep it small and simple and do not intend to replace a full diagnostic Workstation.
Hoping that some of my whishes will be fulfilled in the future,
PS: great work anyway!!!
Nov 21, 2015 04:07 AM
by Tommy
the real time update of studies under acquisition is something that would be very useful.
I have a diagnostic workstation with IQ-View and this software allows you to watch a case during scanning... as soon a new sequence is acquired it is appended to the series preview bar so you don't have to reload the whole case.
so I think that technically RadiAnt could do the same... maybe it should have a timer option to check the currently viewed PACS case every 2-3 minutes and if a new series it's available it should retrieve just the new images and load them into the viewer
regarding the oblique MPR this has been already requested and the author said it will probably be available next year
Nov 23, 2015 11:03 PM
by Martin
Automatic download of new series of the currently watched study would be great but is pure luxuray I would not even dare to ask for. It would already suffice to just opening the study list on series Level (lying on my PACS) so that I can manually download the newly arrived series instead of repeating always the download of the whole study.
Nov 24, 2015 09:34 PM

Martin, thanks for your compliments!
We plan to add the option of retrieving the chosen series from PACS locations instead of the entire studies. Just give us some time ;-)
The oblique MPR is planned for the first half of 2016.
Nov 25, 2015 06:55 PM
by Martin
I will give you the time! Just happy that (nearly :-)) all my wishes will come true!
All the best,