Oct 20, 2015 05:20 AM
by Greg Hunt
I've just started checking out this program and love its smooth interface and speed. It has a very professional feel and style.
There are a few added features that would be helpful to me and I wonder if you've thought about including them in Radiant:
1. Allowing the server to receive studies where the send command is initiated from the remote system (it would be good to be able to transmit studies to Radiant directly from my hospital CT scanner).
2. Configuring a local database so that once I have downloaded a study I can store it locally and reopen it later without starting from scratch.
3. Allowing download of individual series from a study. Studies on my CT scanner are stored along with the thin slice data. I'd like to be able to open the study folder, select just the reformated series and download them without getting the thins as well.
Thanks for making this program available and thank you for your thoughts on these ideas.
Kind regards
Greg Hunt
Rotorua, New Zealand
Oct 20, 2015 09:16 PM

Hi Greg,
Thank you for your comments.
Lots of our users love RadiAnt for the fact that it can open DICOM files without actually storing them locally.
However, there are also more demanding users, like you :-) Hence, next year we plan to introduce a separate RadiAnt version featuring a local study archive. It will also allow to receive studies with transfers initiated from other PACS locations.
Kind regards,
Oct 20, 2015 11:03 PM
by Greg Hunt
Hi Maciej
Thanks for your quick reply; you're not the first person to call me demanding I'm sorry to say.
That's great news about your planned release for next year. It is exactly what I'm looking for.
Do you have an ETA yet? Do you need any assistance with testing? (fast VPN access, GE PACS, CT & US, Philips MR)
Kind regards
Oct 25, 2015 12:45 PM

Greg, we don't have the exact time frame for the local DB feature yet. Probably not before Q2/Q3 2016. We value our users' feedback a lot. You can check the Beta Program every once in a while and give our development versions a try: www.radiantviewer.com/beta.php