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suggestion: Python plugins

Apr 1, 2014 02:19 AM
by aaaaaaa
I have one not so modest suggestion: python plugins. One of the things that made OsiriX so popular was the possibility to implement plugins that can be added to the software. I understand that many of the things that are of interest for various people are not your priority, and I assume that you still work as a radiologist and the time you have available for development is limited. But this would be a way to extend the possibilities for Radiant enormously. I would suggest python given the availability of nibabel and nipy, most tools are already there. Of course, I cannot know if someone would really develop the plugins, but I think that given the development of osirix and for instance, imageJ or Slicer and the lack of this ability in other non-research dicom viewers for windows, it is quite possible that you would get a nice collection of useful tools over the years available with Radiant.

Basically all you would have to provide would be the access to the series as a blob and the dicom tags, perhaps also to the ROIs. Then, Radiant would have to be able to accept the result again as a blob or as a 2D image or text.

Many things would be possible with that, I was thinking:
- ADC computation from DWI (although now mostly done on the machine)
- T1/T1+contrast corregistration and differential images
- Perfusion images from EPI series
- even fMRI would be possible
- someone could finally implement the Retinex filter you have been asked alot here on this forum, and any other filter one would desire

I cannot imagine how much work this would be (implementing the plugins interface), but it might be worth it. Hope you will think about it.

Apr 1, 2014 02:21 AM
by aaaaaaa
Of course, MIP thick slabs, export to various non-DICOM formats .. all of this would be possible.
Apr 1, 2014 03:44 PM
by RadiAnt
A, thank you for your thorough analysis of the issue.
Plugin mechanism in RadiAnt was considered long time ago.
It's bound to happen some time in the future, but the decision was made to postpone it until all basic functionality is implemented.
It's a pretty big challenge to do it right (and hence time consuming). We don't want the stability of RadiAnt to suffer from badly written plugins. Also, my gut tells me that the majority of our users will not fiddle with extensions, they want something that works right out of the box (I know many Osirix users and not even one of them uses plugins...).
Can't give any dates right now, but it won't happen before 2015 definitely...
Apr 2, 2020 10:54 AM
by ep
Any update?)
Apr 6, 2020 09:25 AM
by RadiAnt
No new updates on this subject...
Apr 29, 2021 09:14 AM
by eg
Is there a way to open a study in RadiAnt programmatically using DICOM SUID's? Basically, does RadiAnt have any automation interfaces?
May 3, 2021 05:01 PM
by RadiAnt
Yes, you can use the command line parameters to download and display a specific study from a PACS server:
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