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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
Voting for future features!

Mar 21, 2022 03:35 AM
by ep
First of all - RadiAnt is the best, no doubt, of all the DICOM viewers

Second of all -- did you consider public voting for new features? it would give you more insight into which features would benefit the most users
Mar 30, 2022 05:12 PM
by Richard
Segmentation and curved plane reformatting
Mar 30, 2022 09:30 PM
by RadiAnt
Thanks for your praises, ep :-)
We certainly monitor requests from our users, either here on forum, or via direct messages. We also have some ideas which features would be most beneficial for our user base. Currently we don't consider creating a dedicated poll/voting mechanism.
Apr 14, 2022 09:33 PM
by Pseudoname
I love the interface of RadiAnt; it seems you know that I keep my left hand at the home position of the keyboard and my right hand on the mouse. With keyboard shortcuts focused on the left side of the keyboard, I can easily and quickly navigate volumes with the mouse and access functions with the left side of the keyboard. There is less clicking on button this way; very efficient. I recommend your product to everyone I work with.
May 24, 2022 03:45 PM
by RadiAnt
Thanks for your comments and recommendations for RadiAnt :-)
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