Feb 28, 2021 08:11 PM

Just a tiny teaser for today. It should be available for download tomorrow.

Feb 28, 2021 10:51 PM
by boskar
Feb 28, 2021 11:43 PM
by VetMed
Now - if you tell me that we finally can also save MPRs as dicoms - then I will be happy!
In anycase - great work and it is good to see you developping!!!
Mar 1, 2021 11:41 AM

RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 2021.1 BETA #5950
built on February 28, 2021
New features:
Send studies to PACS (add-on package)
Release notes:
1) Install the beta version
2) Download the add-on package from
3) Extract the contents to the C:\ProgramData\RadiAntViewer\ folder
4) Restart RadiAnt
5) Send study to PACS via right click in the local archive window
Mar 1, 2021 12:59 PM
by boskar
Confirmed, works in wine-6.3. Thank You!
Mar 4, 2021 05:53 AM
by Georg Dahmen
You are the greatest! Thank you for that perfect feature.
Mar 4, 2021 09:08 PM
by Darrin
I cannot get the addon to show in the application. i have extracted it all to a folder
C:\Program Files\RadiAntViewer64bit\addons
I have a medical practice with several locations and I need to set up something where the patients bring in their Cd from the MRI imaging facility and we can send to a central DB that can be seen by the surgeon on his station. I see I can set Radiant to say a one drive or gdrive location and save to there but i am concerned that it will not handle multiple users at the same time. I see in the beta we can send to a pacs sever. I have started an Orthanc server. However the addon is not showing up for me.
Mar 5, 2021 07:05 AM
by Doc
As You can see, Addons must be extracted in "C:\ProgramData\RadiAntViewer\" folder.
Also, You must add some Servers in Servers settings panel.
Mar 6, 2021 09:49 AM
by K.B. Loh
Nice SendToPACS feature! Excellent 👍👍👍
Just a suggestion to make the IMPORT to PACS more useful.
Can we have a DICOM TAG EDITOR to reconcile the patient ID before sending to the PACS system?
Because different hospitals may have different RN or ID for the same patient.
It is logical to change the patient ID in the CD to match the patient ID in the PACS before import the images to the PACS.
Mar 6, 2021 06:00 PM
by Tommy
another milestone in RadiAnt development has been reached!!!
great!!! DICOM-send is now reality!!!
Mar 8, 2021 11:32 AM

Thanks guys for testing the feature. This add-on solution seems to work pretty well, until at some point we have our own, more powerful DICOM send module.
Mar 9, 2021 08:07 PM
by Darrin
Great I got it. I needed to add the server first. LOL I have it working internally with Orthanc server. I am going to try and connect 10 other locations and see if it works. Thanks for your help
Mar 28, 2021 07:14 PM

Mar 29, 2021 05:39 AM
by boskar
Nice one!
Anyway I'd see a small expansion of DICOM send feature - I'd like to send the currently open study (or studies) to DICOM destination.
Our workflow requires uploading quite large number of studies to PACS/other nodes daily, and we try not to keep them locally.
Local Storage is great but we don't use it - probably because of the fact it is quite a "recent" feature... or maybe because we've got quite a fast PACS?
Anyway the workflow is:
a) Put a CD in a drive
b) Take a look what's on the CD using Radiant
c) Using more or less obscure methods upload to PACS and/or workstation (windows sendto or that open-source software I forgot the name of, made by a Japaneese)
I'm aware it's a tweak rather then feature extension, but it's quite important one in my opinion. The traditional Radiant approach was "don't keep studies locally, You've got PACS for that", and it'd be consistent with this approach. Moreover I hope to decrease I/O operations from the CD, while sending to multiple destinations...
Mar 29, 2021 10:44 AM

In the next beta version:

Mar 30, 2021 09:00 AM

RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 2021.1 BETA #8830
A few improvements:
-send to PACS from the viewer window
-more compact series selection menu
-PACS search window: fixed searching by dates, F5 refreshes the series list
And regretfully, we are dropping the support for Windows XP/Vista (less than 0.5% active users). Time to move on...
Mar 31, 2021 03:08 PM
by user
Thank you for Send Pacs future!
I think with this new option Radiant must be able to start as Windows service application. Then for remote computer is enough to turn on, not launching the radiant separately.
Mar 31, 2021 03:14 PM
by user
I am glad that you stop supporting Windows XP and Vista. Users of these systems are usually not thery good with medical scince. The computers with XP / Vista is also the same on which no scientific PDF books, no radiological sites.
And computers with support for Windows 7 and 10 a long time ago extremely cheap.
Apr 1, 2021 05:21 PM

RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 2021.1 BETA #9108
Added option to draw horizontal or vertical segments when using angle or Cobb angle tools while holding Shift.
Added command line flag to show viewer in full screen mode (e.g. -wp 0 0 800 600 2)
Fix issues with not fully DICOM compliant tomosynthesis images (Hologic).
Apr 3, 2021 07:26 AM
by gpdahmen
Happy Easter to all of You!
Thank you again for the wonderful send-option.
Question: How many Dicom pictures can I store in the local archive? How many patients? I would like to use Radiantviewer as utility to move an old pacs to a new location with 5 million files.
Thank You again.
Apr 3, 2021 08:35 AM
by boskar
You are aware that Radiant does NOT support Query-Retrieve as a server?
Apr 3, 2021 11:10 AM

I think gpdahmen would like to use RadiAnt to download the studies form the old PACS and upload them to a new PACS (I assume that the direct transfer is not possible for some reasons).
We did not test the DB with 5 million files. But here are the data for a pretty large database:
* 2221 studies
* 934624 files
* 470.7 GB
* the DB file is 188MB
* after loading the DB the RadiAnt process occupies 18MB RAM
So it seems that 5 million files should be handled pretty easily.
Apr 3, 2021 04:15 PM
by gpdahmen
Thank you very much, I will report.
Apr 4, 2021 01:04 PM
by boskar
I'm afraid someone might believe that Radiant might be used as an actual PACS... Pixmeo advertises OsiriX as PACS ( www.osirix-viewer.com/resources/pacs/ ) - so why not Radiant? ; ))
We both know why NOT, but once You implement DICOM Q/R server somebody in the world will use it this way.
Fortunately not everywhere amount of data is so huge that currently in my hospital.
Apr 7, 2021 09:40 AM

One thing is sure, RadiAnt DICOM Q/R server will not happen very soon. Certainly not this year. There are some other priorities.
Apr 9, 2021 12:31 AM
by Lukash
Hello Rafiant team!
Any plans for GPU acceleration for 3D on Intel or AMD internal GPU in future?
Nvidia GPU prices make pain )))
Apr 10, 2021 05:57 AM
by xiaobai2021
Apr 12, 2021 11:12 PM
by Gustavo
Thank you!
Looking forward to the curved MPR feature. Hopefully it will be a priority this year!
Apr 15, 2021 03:13 AM
by Heidar
Radiant is the best as usual, it surpass even famous workstations, however I have a demand and a comment:
Demand: Curved MPR Please, it will be the most important and most useful tool ever, even if it is manual tracing and not automatic it will be perfect and will make us use Radiant in any case ever
Comment: The new trial version mark is very frustrating, I know its your right but what if it can be smaller, It really affects the study interpretation a lot, Hope you consider it please.
Apr 15, 2021 04:35 PM

1. No plans for AMD/Intel GPU acceleration for this year unfortunately...
2. Curved MPR is still high on our priority list. Moreover, the engine has been almost finished for some time now. There's still some work to be done as far as the UI is considered.
3. The trial banner has been extensively discussed in this thread:
Apr 20, 2021 01:22 PM
by marcelvn
The "hold shift" to straight line or perfec circle is great.
But if I need to change the position of the line markers or the size of the circle, the "hold shift" will no longer take effect..
ont know if it is intended to be that way, but in think it is better to always enable the "hold shift" while editin existing measures.
Apr 21, 2021 05:09 PM

Yes, we're aware of this inconvenience. We will try to improve this during this beta phase.
Apr 22, 2021 02:36 PM
by marcelvn
Good to know.
Other suggestion for practical "hold shift" is in the angle tool. For example: steps of 30 degrees after the base line is traced.
Apr 25, 2021 10:48 AM

Yes, perhaps even more granular steps would be helpful for the angle tool. I'm not sure if this will be added in the next version but we'll certainly note this.
May 5, 2021 01:04 PM
by multiuser
In multiuser enviroment do I must setup PACS settings (IP, AET) for everyone user on the same PC?
When I install application, I have not possibility use app for everyone user logged to Workstation with same settings.
I need the same setting PACS for all users on one PC.
May 11, 2021 01:49 PM

The PACS config is placed in the pacs.xml file. This file can be copied from AppData\Roaming\RadiAntViewer folder to the ProgramData\RadiAnt viewer, and all users on the computer should be able to access it. You can copy this file to other computers so that the PACS hosts don't have to be re-entered on each computer. However, note that the AE title should be unique for each computer, so before copying, the file should be updated for each computer with their respective AE title.
May 24, 2021 12:25 PM
by Georg
I would like to download the "
https://www.radiantviewer.com/files/addons/send2pacs.zip", but it would only download the "radiantviewercd20202336300.zip" which is not the same. If I take the old send2pacs files, the send-to-pacs would not work. It does not show any pacs destination any longer.
Please, where is my mistake?
Best regards
May 26, 2021 02:37 PM

Hi Georg!
This file is no longer available because the latest beta version requires the add-on files having *.rdvaddon extension. Just install the latest beta and try to use the upload function, you'll be redirected to the download page then.
Jun 5, 2021 12:46 PM
Jun 7, 2021 11:01 AM
by Dr. Elnur Mehdi
Hi, team!
is there any way to disable right click (series selection) menu? Sometimes it is annoying..
Jun 8, 2021 01:18 PM

Please ensure you write your posts in English so that our international audience can understand and reply to your message.
Based on the google translation, you're asking how to accelerate the PACS downloads. There are many factors outside RadiAnt that can affect the transfer speed, most often these are some network issues or just the overloaded PACS server.
@Dr. Elnur Mehdi
We will add an option to disable this menu in the next version.
However, it only appears when you click the right mouse button without moving the mouse. Why would you want to use the right button without moving the mouse (default zooming)?
Jun 9, 2021 05:20 PM

@Dr. Elnur Mehdi
Our latest beta build (16006) has the option to disable the series selection context menu.
Jun 16, 2021 05:46 PM
by RSG
¿tenéis previsto poner en breve la MPR curvada?
Muchas gracias.
Jun 23, 2021 09:28 PM
by Lukash
Is it possible to make a "presets" for MPR?
For example
MIP 25 mm, MinIP 30 mm, AVG 3 mm
Now it is 10 mm
Jun 25, 2021 06:07 PM

No release date for curved MPR is available for sharing.
Thank you for your suggestion, we'll certainly consider it.
Jul 1, 2021 08:37 AM
by Hammad
Can you share the valid URL to download Sendtopacs.zip.
Jul 1, 2021 09:55 PM

The sendtopacs.zip was required by an early beta version. The latest versions require a different add-on file (the link is opened when the Send to PACS feature is used for the first time in RadiAnt).
Jul 1, 2021 11:18 PM
by asda
Love the software and have evaluated it a few times. One area I am waiting on is creating volumetric images (say of an area of the brain or a tumor). I can do this in Osirix and Horos by drawing a boundary on multiple axial images, or otherwise. Is this functionality not available? Thanks
Jul 8, 2021 03:51 AM
by Pavel A.
Is is possible to add as feature an option to change a default MIP thickness because default 10mm is too much for most cases.
I think for now the workflow for changing the thickness is not optimized: choose MIP, click thickness (or hit H), use the mouse to change thickness - so 3 actions for such an easy task, and I must repeat it up to 3 time (ax, cor, sag).
Thank you!
Jul 8, 2021 08:34 AM
by Pavel A.
My issue partially solvable by using F2 and +- hotkeys but it's not perfect solution :)
Jul 9, 2021 06:02 AM
by Lukash
Pavel A.
Ctrl+Shift+LeftMouse - MPR slice thickness
I would like manual presets, but for now - it is the best way for me
Jul 9, 2021 11:30 AM

No, currently such segmentation is not possible in RadiAnt. Planned in future versions.
@Pavel A.
The fastest way currently is the one suggested by Lukash. We will certainly add presets at some point.
Jul 21, 2021 02:05 PM
by RS_Medicforce
Is the "send to PACS" option included in the monthly price or extra to pay?
When do you plan to release a stable version based on this beta?
Jul 22, 2021 07:36 AM

"Send to PACS" is a free add-on. It was designed as an extension because it uses third party binaries (DCMTK), and we wanted it to be a separate thing. In the future, when we develop our own DICOM-send module, it will be integrated.
The version 2021.1 available for download is actually a stable one. We only wait for the documentation to be finished and it will be promoted to the main download.
Jul 22, 2021 08:34 PM
by Lukash
Thank you for your feedbacks
Any PACS server functions in the future? for example:
- sharing some study from your database
- direct sending of studies to another user database
- cloud DICOM server (for additional subscription)
It will be really useful in educational processes
P.S. I tried Orthank and it is too hard for me )))
Jul 27, 2021 04:12 PM

Yes, there are some plans for the features you mentioned. But, as usual, no time-frames are available :-)
Jul 28, 2021 05:34 PM
by I'm user)
PACS server from Medixant Radiant will change the WORLD!)
Orthank and Conquest not so good, terrible design and to hard to setup and maintance.
Many many many years we dreaming about PACS server from you))))
Aug 5, 2021 01:05 PM
by Diogo
I've been using Radidant for the past few months at least once weekly and found it really impressive. I would point the main attributes as its lightweight and speed.
I'd like to point some suggestions for improvement as someone who uses several other commercial workstations and viewers daily:
1. Text tool
2. TT-TG measurement tool
3. Rotation tool for 2D viewer (not only 90° rotation or flip)
4. Hanging protocols
5. Average, MIP and MinIP (as well as slice thickeness control) in 2D viewer
6. Create new series with key images
7. Printing
3D MPR viewer:
1. Merge MPR and AVG into 1 category
2. Features and shortcuts available already available in 2D viewer (such as delete all measurements, sharpen filter)
Rearrange the views on 3D MPR (such as axial on the middle pannel, etc)
3. MPR default thickness / presets (e.g. 3 mm for AVG, 7 mm for MIP)
4. Sync series in MPR mode
I hope you can find some of these suggestions useful feedback.
Once again, congrats for the great work!
Aug 8, 2021 11:27 PM
by JS
Would it be possible to add labels with the current slice or voxel number in the 3D MPR display? These labels are overlaid in main window, even when alternative MPR views (coronal, sagittal) are selected with a split screen view. But they are not in the dedicated three pane 3D MPR viewer. The dedicated 3D MPR viewer has much better linkage between the views than the split view, but it is difficult to know where the views are in the image stack. For some applications, it would be very helpful to know the coordinate of the intersection of the views (ie the "cursor" where the axes indicators intersect). Other viewers routinely include these values in their axial/coronal/sagittal displays.
Aug 13, 2021 12:32 PM

@Diogo and @JS
Thank you for your suggestions! We will certainly consider them.
Aug 24, 2021 12:44 PM
by Anny
How to use image fusion on a single slice of CT and PET. Is this is a paid feature in Radiant? I am following the instructions given in the manual. But somehow after splitting the screen, the fusion-icon is not active. I am a beginner, any help will be much appreciated.
Aug 26, 2021 07:44 AM
in the beta version I would like to search patients with the search option "date of birth" but it is missing in the drop down menu. How can I configure the beta version client to have this option available? Thanks in advance for your replies.
Sep 2, 2021 09:40 PM

You cannot fuse two single images in RadiAnt. Fusion works only on "volumes". A volume in RadiAnt is formed by at least two images. So you need two series with at least two images in each of them.
You mean searching a PACS server by date of birth? You would need to add a custom search field. This can be done by editing the options.xml file:
In this section:
<!-- define additional PACS search fields -->
<!-- <i id="00081070" n="Operators' name" h="Enter operators' name..." la="1" ta="1"/> --> <!-- id - DICOM tag id, n - name, h - hint, la - add leading asterisk, ta - add trailing asterisk -->
You need to add inside <srcfields>:
<i id="00100030" n="Date of birth" h="Enter date of birth..."/>