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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum

Aug 7, 2012 08:22 AM
by Seok
How to change eclipse tools for SUV in PET or fusion image.
Is there any option for SUV

and is there any plan for korean language?

Aug 8, 2012 07:02 AM
by RadiAnt
The ellipse tool placed over fused images shows SUVbw by default. It requires though specific data to be included in the DICOM files (patient weight, etc.) Currently one cannot enter this data manually.

As for Korean language - we provide an online tool for creating "community" translations:

Sep 27, 2015 01:46 PM
by Alex
computation of the suv is dependencies with itself(PET) or related to CT in after fusion ? What's role of CT images in computing SCU
Sep 27, 2015 09:25 PM
by RadiAnt

The SUV computation is based only on the PET image. It is just displayed on fused images. We will probably add the SUV measurements also in unfused PET images.

Oct 1, 2015 05:12 AM
by Alex
Thanks for your explain with clearly Can I know what's kind of your FUSION this Fusion
As you know we have a lot kind of fusion for MR CT PET ....
Oct 2, 2015 10:07 AM
by RadiAnt
Basically, the fusion feature overlays an image with a color scale applied onto another (grayscale) image. The fused series have to be from the same study. That is, you can fuse PET with CT, or DWI with T1/T2, for example.
Oct 3, 2015 08:32 AM
by Alex
But I try to opacity one of them completely but I can not,does PET/CT in during Fusion blend into each other ??? with specific Opacity ?
Oct 5, 2015 07:52 PM
by RadiAnt
You can set the opacity by left-clicking and dragging mouse over the color bar:
Oct 6, 2015 04:52 PM
by Alex
Thanks for your explain with clearly

Oct 6, 2015 04:56 PM
by Alex
In rest of last questions ,
Can we say this kind of fusion is blending two images with color scale
Oct 7, 2015 09:13 PM
by RadiAnt
Yes, it's actually blending of a colored image with a grayscale background image.
Oct 8, 2015 03:57 AM
by Alex
Thanks for your reply with clearly.

Oct 8, 2015 10:46 AM
by Lena
Is there any reference for computing SUV form PET image ?
The Best regards,
Oct 13, 2015 08:18 PM
by RadiAnt
Lena, here's the equation:
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